Mediterranean Summer Skills Seminars
The Mediterranean Summer Skills Seminar is an annual program organized in conjunction with the CU Mediterranean Studies Group of the University of Colorado Boulder. Summer Skills Seminars are intensive four-day hands-on introductory seminars designed to provide a foundation in technical skills or an introduction to topics and/or methodologies relevant to Mediterranean Studies. They are offered remotely (via Zoom or Teams) in live, synchronous sessions held between mid-May and mid-August of each year. They are open to graduate and undergraduate students, scholars of all ranks, professionals and members of the public from across the world.
Tuition is on a sliding scale relating to academic status and rank. Participants will be provided with a diploma confirming their completion of the course. Scholars and students who are citizens of and reside in low-GDP countries may be eligible for a partial tuition discount.
Past and Future Skills Seminars
Islamic Legal Texts: In Depth - Aun Hasan Ali (2024)
Mediterranean Art: An Introduction - Karen Mathews (2024)
Mediterranean Magic: An Introduction - Veronica Menaldi (2024)
Reading Aljamiado Texts - Nuria de Castilla (2017 & 2020—24)
Reading Arabic Manuscripts - Luke Yarbrough (2024)
Reading Archival Latin [formerly Introduction to the Archive of the Crown of Aragon] - Brian A. Catlos (2019—2024)
Reading Ladino/Judezmo - David Bunis (2018)
Reading Old French - Charles Samuelson (2023 & 2024)
Sephardic Culture: An Introduction - David Wacks (2024)
If you have a suggestion for the topic of a future Skills Seminar or would like to propose a Seminar as instructor, please contact us at
Past Summer Skills Seminars
August 19-22 2024 - Reading Archival Latin - Registration to 14 July
Focussing on the documents in Latin held at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon in Barcelona, this seminar presents an introduction to Latin diplomatics and the reading of unedited archival documents through the incredible rich collection of Barcelona’s ACA. The seminar combines hands-on reading practice with units on different genres of documents, abbreviations, research techniques, dating systems, and other relevant information.
Instructor: Brian A. Catlos
Prerequisites: Intermediate reading knowledge of Latin is required, but no previous experience in paleography or diplomatics.
August 5-8 2024 - Islamic Legal Texts: In Depth NEW - Late registration to 28 July
This Summer Skills Seminar introduces participants to Islamic law. The seminar is focused on developing the skill of reading Islamic legal texts as opposed to surveying Islamic legal doctrines. It is designed for beginners seeking to build their capacity to investigate Islamic law. Participants will read the chapters on legal obligation (taklīf) and ritual purity (ṭahāra) in Durūs tamhīdiyya fī l-fiqh al-istidlālī by Muḥammad Bāqir al-Īrawānī (b. 1949).
July 15-18 2024 - Reading Old French - Late registration to 7 July
This seminar proposes a hands-on introduction (or refresher) to reading medieval French, a particularly important vernacular in medieval Europe. We will look at literary works associated with a wide variety of genres, as well as non-literary documents; texts ranging from the first pieces written in French (ninth century) through the late Middle Ages; texts written in different dialects of langue d’oïl; and texts from across Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Attention will be paid, too, to looking at edited and unedited texts. Basic reading knowledge of modern French is required for this course.
Instructor: Charles Samuelson
Prerequisites: Reading knowledge of modern French
July 8-11 2024 - Sephardic Culture: An Introduction NEW - Late registration to 1 July
This Summer Skills Seminar provides participants with the an overview of main currents in Sephardic Studies including historial and cultural trends, texts, sources for the period 900-1700 CE, and attending to the potential of this field to enhance your own research and teaching. It is designed with academics in mind, particularly graduate students, postdocs, and professors working in disciplines such as history, literature, religious studies, but all intersted parties are welcome to apply. Participants will receive a completion certificate which may be listed on your CV and other documents such as grant/fellowship applications. The seminar is held via zoom over four days, with two two-hour sessions each day. Particpants are expected to prepare readings in advance of the sessions, which will be a blend of lecture, pair and group discussion, group close readings, and in-class activities.
Instructor: David A. Wacks
Prerequisites: None.
June 24-27 2024 - Reading Arabic Manuscripts NEW - Late registration to 18 June
This Summer Skills Course will build participants’ ability to read handwritten Arabic manuscripts and documents, primarily those written before the twentieth century. It is designed with academics in mind, particularly graduate students, postdocs, and professors working in disciplines such as history, literature, and religious studies. All interested parties with at least two years of Arabic language training are, however, welcome to apply, and attention will be paid to the ways that paleographical skills can enhance diverse forms of research and teaching. Participants will receive a completion certificate which may be listed on a CV and on other documents such as grant/fellowship applications. The seminar is held via Zoom over four days, with two two-hour sessions each day. Participants are expected to prepare readings in advance of the sessions, which will be a blend of lecture and pair- and group-work.
Instructor: Luke Yarbrough
Prerequisites: Participants MUST have the equivalent of at least two years of university-level Arabic.
June 17-20 2024 - Mediterranean Art History: An Introduction NEW- Application deadline extended to 12 June
This Summer Skills Seminar provides participants with an overview of key concepts and methodologies in the study of Mediterranean art history. The course will address the themes of mobility, connectivity, and encounter in relation to the visual culture of peoples and territories across the sea. Participants will acquire an art historical tool kit to assist them in conducting their own research on the visual culture and artistic production of the medieval Mediterranean
Instructor: Karen Mathews
Prerequisites: AP Art History courses or introductory surveys. Some upper division or graduate art history coursework is ideal but not required
June 10-13 2024 - Mediterranean Magic: An Introduction NEW - Late registration to 3 June
This four-day intensive skills seminar will not only provide participants with an overview of magic’s history (broadly defined) throughout the premodern period but also introduce them to recurring patterns in magical practice and representation, significant symbols, and even tools for bringing similar material into their classrooms or personal reflections. As much as possible the content will be catered to participants interests and needs. Medievalists of all disciplines and ranks, graduate students, qualified undergraduate students, library and archival professionals, independent scholars, and modern magic practitioners or enthusiasts are encouraged to apply.
Instructor: Veronica Menaldi
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites apart from an interest in magic, astrology, and occult science in both culture and literature.
May 20-23 2024 - Reading Archival Latin - Late registration to 18 May
Focussing on the documents in Latin held at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon in Barcelona, this seminar presents an introduction to Latin diplomatics and the reading of unedited archival documents through the incredible rich collection of Barcelona’s ACA. The seminar combines hands-on reading practice with units on different genres of documents, abbreviations, research techniques, dating systems, and other relevant information.
Instructor: Brian A. Catlos
Prerequisites: Intermediate reading knowledge of Latin is required, but no previous experience in paleography or diplomatics.
2023 Summer Skills Seminars
May 22-25 2024 - Reading Archival Latin
Focussing on the documents in Latin held at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon in Barcelona, this seminar presents an introduction to Latin diplomatics and the reading of unedited archival documents through the incredible rich collection of Barcelona’s ACA. The seminar combines hands-on reading practice with units on different genres of documents, abbreviations, research techniques, dating systems, and other relevant information.
Instructor: Brian A. Catlos
Prerequisites: Intermediate reading knowledge of Latin is required, but no previous experience in paleography or diplomatics.
June 26-29 2023 - Reading Aljamiado Texts
This introduces participants to the fundamentals of reading Aljamía (15th to 17th century Spanish, written mainly in Arabic script). The purpose of the Course is reading actual Aljamiado texts. These texts, specifically chosen for this workshop, will serve as a basis for discussion of different topics related to the history, cultural history and religion of Mudéjares and Moriscos.
Instructor: Nuria de Castilla
Prerequisites: Reading knowledge of modern Castilian Spanish; familiarity with the Arabic alphabet strongly recommended. No knowledge of Arabic required.
July 17-20 2023 - Reading Old French NEW
This seminar proposes a hands-on introduction (or refresher) to reading medieval French, a particularly important vernacular in medieval Europe. We will look at literary works associated with a wide variety of genres, as well as non-literary documents; texts ranging from the first pieces written in French (ninth century) through the late Middle Ages; texts written in different dialects of langue d’oïl; and texts from across Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Attention will be paid, too, to looking at edited and unedited texts. Basic reading knowledge of modern French is required for this course.
Instructor: Charles Samuelson
Prerequisites: Reading knowledge of modern French.
1-4 August 2022: “Reading Aljamiado” with Nuria Martínez de Castilla (École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL, Paris)
This four-day workshop introduces participants to the fundamentals of reading Aljamía (15th to 17th century Spanish, written mainly in Arabic script). The purpose of the Course is reading actual Aljamiado texts. These texts, specifically chosen for this workshop, will serve as a basis for discussion of different topics related to the history, cultural history and religion of Mudéjares and Moriscos.
27 & 31 May - 2 June 2022: “Reading Archival Latin” with Brian A. Catlos (University of Colorado Boulder)
Focussing on the documents in Latin held at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon in Barcelona, this seminar presents an introduction to Latin diplomatics and the reading of unedited archival documents through the incredible rich collection of Barcelona’s ACA. The seminar combines hands-on reading practice with units on different genres of documents, abbreviations, research techniques, dating systems, and other relevant information. Some reading knowledge of Latin is required, but no previous experience in paleography or diplomatics.
The 4th Summer Skills Seminar - “Introduction to the Archive of the Crown of Aragon (documents in Latin to ca. 1350)” II
17—20 May 2021
- This four-day virtual course provides an introduction to the collection of the Archive of the Crown of Aragon (Barcelona) and basic Latin paleography and diplomatics skills, and archival research techniques.
Faculty: Prof. Brian A. Catlos (Religious Studies, CU Boulder/ Humanities, UC Santa Cruz).
Participants can access the course pages here.
Latin Diplomatics Refresher
11 & 13 May 2021
A two-day refresher course open to participants of the 3rd Summer Skills Seminar.
Latin Diplomatics Refresher
6 & 7 January 2021
A two-day refresher course open to participants of the 3rd Summer Skills Seminar.
The 3rd Summer Skills Seminar - “Introduction to the Archive of the Crown of Aragon (documents in Latin to ca. 1350)”
12–15 May 2020
A four-day virtual introduction to the collection of the Archive of the Crown of Aragon (Barcelona) and basic Latin paleography and diplomatics skills, and archival research techniques.
Faculty: Prof. Brian A. Catlos (Religious Studies, CU Boulder/ Humanities, UC Santa Cruz)
The 2nd Summer Skills Seminar - “Reading Ladino/Judezmo”
22-26 May 2018 • University of Colorado Boulder.
A five-day hands-on workshop on reading Ladino/Judezmo (Old Spanish written in Hebrew characters) from the late Middle Ages through the 19th century.
Faculy: Prof. David Bunis (Hebrew University).
The 1st Summer Skills Seminar - “Reading Aljamiado”
16—20 May 2017• University of Colorado Boulder.
A five-day skills seminar providing an introduction to Aljmiado (Old Spanish written in Andalusi Arabic characters) from the late Middle Ages and Early Modern period.
Faculty: Dr. Nuria Martínez-de-Castilla (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)