The Mediterranean Seminar Prize for the Best Source Edition, Book Translation, or Essay Collection, 2025

The 2025 Prize for the Best Source Edition, Book Translation, or Essay Collection is open to books published from 2022 to 2024 inclusive. The committee is most interested in collections of essay that break new ground conceptually or methodologically, are comparative and/or interdisciplinary, that emphasize the intercultural/interregional/inter-religious contact, that are “of” rather than merely “in” the Mediterranean, and that are both internally coherent and comprehensive. For source translations and editions, the committee looks for works of an original nature that exemplify or reflect the essential characteristics of the Mediterranean as a region, and which are prefaced by a comprehensive introduction. Books ranging from any period are considered, with the Mediterranean broadly construed as the region centered on the sea, but including connected hinterlands in Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the western Indian Ocean, the Near East and Central Asia.

The committee for the 2025 Prize for the Best Source Edition, Book Translation, or Essay Collection is:
• Brian A. Catlos: Religious Studies, University of Colorado Boulder
• Claire Gilbert: History, Saint Louis University
• Sharon Kinoshita: Literature, University of California Santa Cruz

The deadline for applications is 31 December 2024.

See prize contest rules and conditions; to enter submit this form.